martedì 29 gennaio 2013

thermal insulation - Thermore

The term polyfill for jackets, or insulation for jackets generally refers to the materials used to help insulate the body from the cold. Our materials are typically made of polyester fibers- these synthetic fibers are very durable and make an excellent choice when used as insulation for outerwear. Polyester fibers can outperform natural fibers such as cotton and wool and should always be considered as an insulation for jackets when performance is needed. Also, our polyfill is available in many different weights and shipped in convenient rolls.

The use of polyfill for jackets has historically been an effective insulator. Technical polyester fibers, which are both soft and durable, are utilized as superimposed layers to create a very low density structure. Physics has taught us that air is a very good insulator- and our product is able to trap a great amount of warm air (up to 97% of its volume!). This makes our product the perfect choice to be utilized as an insulation for outerwear.

The use of insulation for jackets is an integral component to the overall performance of your outerwear. It may be invisible, but with Thermore rest assured that the product is there doing it's job and keeping the user warm. We have 40 years of experience making thermal insulation for jackets and related outerwear. Thermore is able to offer specialized finishing and unique characteristics to their products that will enhance your line of outerwear. Here are some of our product choices:
For this reason, Thermore has always been described as a thermal insulation, and not a simple polyfill for jackets or polyfill for outerwear.
With over 100 choices of products, Thermore is sure to have the right item that your design team may require for their outerwear collection.


venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

Sub Senza frontiere in televisione!

Finalmente online La puntata de "La Parlera" in cui il Presidente di sub senza frontiere, associazione di promozione sociale, racconta la storia, e gli aobiettivi del gruppo.|Sub+Senza+Frontiere+in+televisione!.html

Visitate il sito!

mercoledì 23 gennaio 2013

Presentazione prodotti per aziende e privati web agency dal 199,  ha il proprio canale video su YouTube e lo aggiorna con i video delle proprie soluzioni.

- Zimbra mail3d
permette di disporre di una SUPER MAIL aziendale o personale, completa, affidabile e totalmente integrata, basata sul software Zimbra Collaboration Suite di VMware Zimbra e su sistemi integrati sviluppati direttamente da EmailBackup e PromoScanMail. .

- Mailing no limits
Mailing No Limits permette di creare campagne pubblicitarie professionali, di costruire e di gestire le liste di indirizzi e di effettuare invii nel pieno rispetto della normativa sulla privacy.
Mailing No Limits la soluzione professionale per ogni tipo di azienda!!! 

ma stiamo preparando anche i video su Business FTP e tutti gli altri servizi.

Video online su

martedì 22 gennaio 2013

serata latino e show dance karaoke

Si mangia, si balla e si canta! Sabato 26 Gennaio presso il parco Aquaneva di Inzago ci sarà una serata molto movimentata!
Balli, esibizioni di danze latino-americane, una squisita pizza e keraoke!

Laboratorio di makeup e trucco

ULTIME ore per iscriversi al Laboratorio di Make Up!
Domani, mercoledì 23 Gennaio primo incontro dalle 20.45 alle 21.45!
Informazioni e iscrizioni per il corso di makeup e trucco al numero 366.5432980 
email :

Thermore - Thermal wadding

The best way for:

Thermal insulation - Insulation for jackets - Insulation for outerwear - Polyfill for jackets - Polyfill for outerwear - Thermal wadding - Manta acrilica



Thermore, Thermal Insulation Leaders since 1972 Thermore, founded in 1972 in Milan, is a worldwide leader in the research, production and marketing of thermal insulations for apparel and sleeping bags with operations in Europe, the USA and Asia including production facilities in Thailand and offices in Hong Kong. The global presence of the Thermore Group makes it possible for international clients to benefit from Thermore’s market-leading experience at a convenient and cost effective price point. Thermore’s focused dedication to thermal insulation technology ensures the highest level of service and expertise towards the development of insulation products and functional treatments under the “Set Yourself Free” philosophy of keeping the end user in their body temperature comfort zone while offering maximum freedom of movement. Thermore’s flexible thermal insulations are particularly well-suited for the sportswear and fashion industries and benefit from a proprietary scrimless design and fiber migration treatment. Thermore’s portfolio is distinguished by solid performance, scrimless design, customer-specific development and customization capability, and very competitive pricing combined with the company’s proven logistical advantages, strong commitment to service and consistent innovation. The latest introduction of the new TMK product line featuring 50% Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) polyester fibers, and Rinnova, with a content of 100% Post-Consumer Recycled fibers, brings Thermore at the forefront in the development of high performance components with a strong focus on sustainability. Thermore’s current product ranges include TMK, T37®, Ecodown®, Rinnova, Stretch, Opera® and Therma-Scent®.


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